Psychological Services

Ways To Deliver Psychological Services

  • Face-to-Face: This is most traditional method that psychological services are delivered.  The client and therapist meet in person in an office setting.  The therapeutic relationship between the therapist and client is created in person.  Many individuals prefer this type of a connection with their therapist.
  • Videoconference/Online Therapy: With increasing use of technology in most areas of life today, the mental health field has also moved toward expanding services through the use of technology.  Using technology to deliver mental health services has been referred to as telehealth or telepsychology. This allows for all individuals in the community to have access to mental health services if there are barriers to attaining treatment due to their location, time-limitations, or other barriers that prevent individuals from physically coming in to meet with a therapist.  Online therapy has become increasingly more common due to the ease and practical nature of receiving services.

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